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Bending center

The semi-automatic UpDownCenter-2 for high-precision panels and boxes

The UpDownCenter-2 is a semi-automatic bending center for high precision panels and boxes up to 4060 mm bending length and up to 600 mm box height. With up to 4 mm mild steel bending capacity, it is ideal for thin and medium material thicknesses. The machine can be operated from the gauging system side. Bent parts with long and high flanges can be also unloaded from the folding beam side.


Machine highlights
  • Automatic tool changer (tool setup ca. 30-45 sec)
  • Automatic bending sequences, Bending up and down
  • Single operator can bend very large parts
  • Automatic part positioning by suction cup pads
  • Operation from the gauging system side
  • Automatic programming of bending sequence
  • Incredible dimensional and angle accuracy
  • Bending of boxes with radii and oblique base shapes
  • Bending of parts with embossings, large holes etc.
  • Automation for high part diversity up to batch size 1

Folding technology innovations
that result in precision parts 

Even the first bent part is accurate

 The tool changer cuts set-up times and increases productivity, especially for small production lots or when a tool change is required within the bending sequence. In addition to up and down folding and the automated PosLift part positioning system, the automatic creation of bending programs is another highlight of the machine.

Here are some samples of how accurately the software programs a parts starting from the imported STEP file and how accurately the machine already bends the very first part.