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A dream come true

The ingenious Bendex software programs the bending sequence with a click of the mouse. Simply import a STEP file of the part by Drag & Drop into the software. That's it! With one click of the mouse, the software automatically programs the entire bending sequence and shows a variety of possible programs in seconds. With a 5-star rating, the software suggests the best bending sequence. A 3D simulation shows all details of the bending sequence. This allows the feasibility to be checked in the office - even before the first blank is produced. After starting the program, the software guides the operator through the bending sequence. The software shows the loading direction, the rotation of the part and the foot switch operation.

  • Import of STEP files (alternatively: DXF, DWG or GEO)
  • Software automatically recognizes the bending lines and bending parameters
  • Automatic programming of the bending sequence
  • Ranking of alternative bending strategies
  • 3D bending sequence simulation
  • No bending expertise required

Bending sequence

Bending up and down

  • No material flipping required when bending direction changes
  • Quick and easy operation
  • Automatic folding sequences
  • Short cycle times

PosLift gauging system

Versitile gauging of parts

The UpDownCenter offers numerous options for squaring and gauging the blanks. But no worry: The software calculates the best gauging option automatically and proposes it to the operator. If the operator selects another possibility, the program will be adapted immediately.

  • Right and left stopper head with 3 stop positions
  • Squaring the blank using notches
  • Squaring the blank using the outer edge
  • Squaring the blank using pre-bent flanges
  • Folding beam used as a stop for oblique parts
  • Pop-up squaring arm for parts being narrow and long 
  • Safety light beam and colored LED access indicator

Position parts with ultimate accuracy

After squaring the parts the suction cups of the gauging system take over the blank and position the workpiece with an accuracy of +/- 0.01 mm for each bend. The UpDownCenter finishes one side of the part before the operator turns the blank to the next side.

  • Easy operation. The part rests on gauging system
  • No skilled operator level required
  • A single operator bends even large and heavy parts just by himself
  • Also thin and flexible blanks are easy to handle
  • Safe and ergonomic operation
  • No exhausting part lifting and holding
  • 8 vacuum module pads with 22 suckers each hold the part safely
  • 10 front suction cups for positioning very narrow parts
  • Suction cups for small parts expand the range of applications
  • 12 suction circuits for optimum energy efficiency
  • Software detects holes in parts and calculates the vacuum level
  • Vacuum modules are able to lift parts with negative flanges by 85 mm
  • Vacuum pump generates the required compressed air
  • Vacuum modules lower for part rotation
  • J-shape table extension supports large workpieces

PosLift gauging system with brush table

The RAS UpDownCenter panel bender is also available with a brush table. This solution is very useful for extremely thin sheets, as they are used for refrigerated cabinets and in the shop fitting industry.

  • Easy and quick operation.
  • Also thin and flexible blanks are easy to handle.
  • Prevents damages to the sheets edges during loading and blank rotation.
  • Prevents damages to the suction cups.

Quick tool change

The gripper arms of the tool changer take the tools from the magazine and place them precisely in the upper beam. Fast set-up times lead to high productivity and low unit costs.

  • Bending small production batches economically
  • Software calculates fastest setup strategy
  • Set up of even heavy tools (300 mm tool high weighs 15 kg)
  • Tools change also within the folding cycle (bending long before short side)
  • Asymmetrical tool setup possible 
  • Tool magazine left and right
  • Automatic tool clamping


Upper beam tools

The upper beam tools of UpDownCenter-2 are segmented. This allows the tools to be individually setup for each part length. With tool heights of up to 600 mm, the machine is also ready for deep boxes and enclosures.

  • Only one set of upper beam tools for great part design flexibility
  • Tool heights 250 mm, 300 mm, 350 mm, 400 mm and 600 mm
  • Bending deep four-sided parts
  • Tools with heel for closing hems
  • No wear of tools

Roto-foot corner tools

The roto-foot corner tools can rotate in and out from pre-bent side flanges.

  • Enlarged application range
  • Four-sided parts with lateral C-bends can be bent
  • Set up by tool changer
  • Flexible position within the working length
  • For very sensitive material surfaces (mostly stainless steel), roto-foot corner tools with an inserted plastic heel are also available

Folding beam tools

The folding beam tools of the UpDownCenter-2 are also segmented to allow slots for protruding flanges or tabs.

  • Variety of tool widths for small Z dimensions and large sheet thicknesses
  • Programmed folding beam pendulum when changing bending direction
  • No manual replacement of pendulum stops required
  • Two directions of use for front or rear tool free space
  • Fast setup, high productivity, low unit costs
  • Automatic folding beam tool clamping


The UpDownTools can be programmed for three different working heights. This allows bending of tabs, window bends, oblique blanks, etc.

  • Maximum part design flexibility
  • Different height positions of the UpDownTools right and left
  • Different height positions of the UpDownTools also on one side
  • Quick set-up (tools are automatically clamped)



Latest safety systems

The UpDownCenter-2 is equipped with the latest two-channel safety systems.

  • Safety light beam at the stop: no access in the automatic sequence
  • Colored LED access indicator on the gauging system
  • Sliding door on the cell side when working from the gauging system
  • Safety light curtain when working from both sides
  • Colored LED access display at the cell (with light barrier)
  • Protection element prevents access when changing tools
  • Protection element automatically opens for removal of high parts