Software versions
Have you signed a software update agreement?
This allows you to update your Machine and Office Software to the next level.
- Includes free Machine software updates
- Includes free Office software updates
- Machine software and Office software versions must match
- For updates of additionally purchased Office licenses, the update packages for subsequent licenses are required
- Online connection to the PC must be available
What do I need to do?
Please contact RAS. After checking the data, we will contact you. We need the following information:
- Adress
- Contact person with Email and Phone
- Machine number
- Bugfix: import profile folders
- New language files implemented
- Beta feature: Bending with Parameter (BWP)
- Image file machine status information
- Reduction of the user instruction “Hide holes...”
- Reduction of tool changes
- Optimized bending part positioning during hem pressing
- Bugfix: VBL upper beam tool setup
- New language files implemented
- New upper beam tools implemented
- Bugfix: A table sheet was not displayed for a stop variant
- Bendex Office show machine archive
- Display for tools with plastic insert
- General optimizations of strategies with hems
- New tools and manipulator
- Various tool metadata corrected
- Upper beam tool change position can be parameterized
- Optimized folding beam support when unloading negative legs
- Optimization of bending part loading
- Optimization sheet metal—machine collision control
- Text info box implemented
- bending program entry supports separated hems
- Language files implemented
- Fixed error when restarting Bendex with corrupt bending part
- CADImporter “Missing flange” optimized
- “Pendulum parameter handling” error fixed