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Pipes, Chimneys & Insulations Industry-Insights

Intelligent swaging machine RAS 12.35-2 ...

RAS EasyFormer: Double seaming wheels - ...

RAS EasyFormer: Double seaming wheels

RAS EasyFormer: Tube seaming wheels

Rounding machine RME: Conical part

Swaging machines RAS 11.15 and RAS 11.35

Swager RAS EasyFormer: Offset flanges - ...

Swaging Machine EasyFormer: Offset flang...

Swaging Machine EasyFormer: Flanging whe...

Swaging Machine EasyFormer: Flanging whe...

Swaging Machine EasyFormer: Crimping-Set...

Swaging Machine EasyFormer: Square wheel...

Swaging Machine EasyFormer: Square wheel...

Swaging Machine EasyFormer: Screw-in whe...

Swaging Machine EasyFormer: Wiring wheel...

Swaging Machine EasyFormer: Wiring wheel...

Swaging machine RAS 12.12.35-2: Insulati...

Swaging Machine RAS EasyFormer: Flanging...

Swaging Machine RAS EasyFormer: Knee-pip...

Swaging Machine RAS EasyFormer: Campferi...

Swaging Machine RAS EasyFormer: Seaming ...

Swaging Machine RAS EasyFormer: Swaging ...

Pipes, Chimneys & Insulations


Success stories from your industry
Intelligent swaging with RAS EasyFormer

The intelligent swaging machines RAS EasyFormer learn from the operator how to swage and flange (NO programming required !!). In automatic mode the machine clones the taught sequence. The variable speed allows both: sensitive work with complicated parts or fast and productive runs with small series. The EasyFormer RAS 12.35-2 swaging machine processes sheet thicknesses up to 1.75 mm. The big brother RAS 12.65-2 is designed for thicknesses up to 3 mm. Several stop plates are available for different applications. The unique UnLock safety feature meets the latest safety requirements.

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