The RAS XLTbend at Clean-tek with UpDown metal folding technology produces panels for the clean room and hospital technology. Clean-tek is specialized in clean room solutions tailored to individual customer requirements, and therefore maximum production flexibility is required. Fast programming, quick set-up and quick and easy workpiece handling are basic requirements for a bending system. Clean-tek in addition appreciates the special highlights of the RAS UpDown folding solution.
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Daldrop + Dr. Ing. Huber GmbH + Co. KG is one of the world's leading manufacturers for clean room systems. The company has designed its own products for such applications, in particular for the pharmaceutical industry. These include cleanroom wall panels and ceilings, as well as corresponding ventilation systems and staff airlocks. The products are not only developed in-house, but also manufactured in the company's own production facilities. The ceiling, wall and door systems consist of very large sheet metal components. For bending these large parts, Daldrop + Dr. Ing. Huber relies on the folding technology. Two RAS FLEXIbend and one RAS XLTbend UpDown bending machine are ideal for this range of workpieces.
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