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TURBO2plus Bending centers

TURBO2plus: Tapered bending profiles

TURBO2plus conical bending

TURBO2plus tapered bending

All-rounder for roofers and industry

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TURBO2plus with OpenEditor Software

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RAS TURBO2plus Metal folding machine

RAS TURBO2plus: Bending a windowsill

TURBO2plus: Wall coping

RAS TURBObend: CrownTool 10 mm


Bending centers

Easy, fast profitable

With the TURBO2plus, bending of roof and façade profiles, as well as advertising signs or panels has arrived at a next level. The Bendex software automatically programs the parts, evaluates alternative bending strategies, and shows the bending sequence on the monitor in 3D. Expertise translated into software!


Machine highlights
  • Applications: roof and wall, ducting, signs, industrial applications
  • Automatic bending sequence programming
  • Bendex-OpenEditor: Individual bending sequence programming
  • Operation from the folding beam side (smaller parts and profiles)
  • Operation from gauging side (panels)
  • Low costs per part (1-man operation, low investment)
  • Fast beam movements
  • Tool heights up to 145 mm
  • Automatic recognition of a tool change
  • Automatic recognition of the tool height

Versatile bending
of profiles, panels
and boxes 

Upper beam

The upper beam opens and closes with inpressive speed. As the open and close position is programmable, you can create open or closed hems, thus making your parts unique and versatile. The upper beam shape offers large free space in front and behind of the beam.

  • Fast movements for closing/opening
  • Hemming: closed, open, tear-drop hems
  • Large free space in front of the upper beam (part design flexibility)
  • Rigid upper beam for straight bends
  • Servo drives and absolute encoders
  • Accurate positioning, no calibration

Folding beam

The folding beam on the TURBO2plus is an example of engineering superiority. Fast folding cycles lead to high productivity. An impressive plus is its ability to adjust the folding beam automatically to the actual material thicknesses.

  • Fast movement: short cycle times
  • Deep folding beam: excellent bend results
  • Adaptive: Automatic adjustment for material thickness
  • No downtime for machine adjustments
  • Long machine lifetime
  • New folding beam design for improved accuracy
  • Gentle and scratch-free bending of coated materials
  • Servo motors and absolute encoder: quick operation, no calibration

XL Folding Beam

As an alternative to the machine with standard folding beam, RAS also offers the TURBO2plus with a modified machine frame and an XL folding beam geometry. The additional free space expands the range of applications for bending profiles that require more space in front of the folding beam.

  • Additional free space for special profiles

Lower clamping beam

The lower clamping beam is designed with a deep box configuration for maximum strength and resistance.

  • Precise and straight bends
  • Optimized crowning for improved accuracy
  • Long lifetime of the machine
  • Rigid unibody unit together with the side stands
  • Maximum resistance to deflection and torsion

Gauging system

The fingers of the gauging system position the workpiece for each bend. All stop fingers disappear below the table surface when the part has to be rotated on the sheet support table.

  • Fast positioning, repeatable accuracy
  • No 2nd operator (50% cost saving)
  • No marking (30% time saving)
  • Sheet support carries the weight of the blank
  • Solid front and rear stop fingers
  • Servo drive and absolute encoder: no calibration
  • Adaptive to working task and available floor space
  • Center orientation for best bend results
  • Rectangular backgauge 6-1550 mm
  • T-gauging system for big parts (6-3050 mm)
  • Active squaring arm for narrow parts (lifting movement)
  • Stop system for conical bending

Versatile tooling system

The segmented sharp tool can be taken on and off by a single operator in no time. The segmented goat's foot tooling is precision designed, and literally "quick-clamps" and locks in position so that it is ready to work within seconds.

  • Large free spaces for part design flexibility
  • Segmented tools: Basic segments, adapter set, corner left/right
  • Automatic recognition of a tool change
  • Automatic recognition of the tool height
  • Different tool heights up to 127 mm
  • Short setup times due to quick locking mechanism
  • Folding beam tools for different thicknesses and Z bends
  • Segmented folding beam tools available
  • CrownTool with adjustable crowning
  • Lower beam tool with finger pockets

Radius tools

To prevent cracking of the material surface when bending aluminum, radius tools can be added to the TURBO2plus metal folding machine. The second picture shows the result when bending 2 mm aluminum with a 1.5 mm (left) and a 2 mm (right) radius tool.

Special Tools

If only profiles are bent, a continuous sharp or radius tool in the upper beam is sufficient to bend almost any geometries. For four-sided panels, segmented tools are needed. If a special tool is required due to the part geometry, RAS manufactures customized tools for the upper beam and folding beam according to job requirements.


Bendex graphic programs the bending sequence

The Bendex software programs the bending sequence automatically. Just use your finger and draw the part on the machine's touch monitor. Alternatively, the part can also be drawn in the office software or imported as CAD data in STEP, dxf or geo format. With one click, the software programs the entire bending sequence automatically

  • Clear display on 24" touch monitor
  • Simple creation of profiles and panels
  • Exact and error-free transfer of CAD data
  • Automatic programming of the bending process
  • No expert knowledge required
  • Software suggestion of the best folding sequence
  • 3D simulation of the bending process
  • Highest bending accuracy due to material tables
  • Loading individual programs or processing job lists
  • Online support via TeamViewer

Bendex OpenEditor

With the additional OpenEditor input, operators at the machine can individually program any machine movement and bending sequences entirely according to their preferences.

  • Clear display on 24" touch monitor
  • Large input fields
  • Line-by-line input of normal bends, hems and radii
  • Display functions such as part rotation and flipping available
  • Lowering of fingers for part rotating possible
  • Reduced speeds selectable
  • Automatic folding beam adjustment
  • Tools selectable for sensor height detection
  • Highest bending quality due to pre-defined material tables
  • Programs can be saved
RAS TURBO2plus—Technical data

RAS 62.25-2

RAS 62.30-2

RAS 62.40-2

Working length 2540 mm / 100" 3200 mm / 126" 4060 mm
Material thickness max (400 N/mm²) 2.5 mm / 13 ga 2,0 mm / 14 ga 1,5 mm
Upper beam upstroke max 280 mm / 11" 280 mm / 11" 280 mm
Gauging system (rectangular) 0.236"–61" 6–1550 mm / 0.236"–61" 6–1550 mm
Gauging system (T-shape) 0.236"–120" 6–3050 mm / 0.236"–120" 6–4050 mm
Auto material thickness adjustment yes yes ja
Auto tool height recognition yes yes ja
Programming automatic automatic automatisch
Machine dimensions (rectangular) 3650 x 2600 mm /144" x 103" 4320 x 2600 mm / 170" x 103" 5175 x 2520 mm
Machine dimensions (T-shape) 3650 x 4000 mm / 144" x 158" 4320 x 4000 mm / 170" x 158" 5175 x 5100 mm
Success stories with TURBO2plus
TeksignSigns of changing times

Teksign wanted to update its bending processes. The sign manufacturer out of Brantford, Ontario had to decide what technology made the most sense for its high-mix/low-volume production needs. The company finally decided for a CNC metal folder RAS TURBO2plus and was able to increase throughput and simplify operations.


Interested in our production program?
Download brochure now

Or would you like a little more?
Request our information package

The information package includes
  • a 3D view of the machine
  • a dxf view for hall layout planning
  • a jpg representation for the project presentation

Ready for the next step
Request the TURBO2plus now without obligation.

Pioneering solutions for bending